Aluminum Fume Hood Side and Bottom Mounting Kit


SKU: SMK8-A Categories: ,


This mounting option is recommended for situations when you need to attach your lab support lattice to your fume hood. Lab Frame not included.

Assembly: Refer to Fume Hood Manufacture recommendations for Recommended Installation.

  • Attach an L8A-1 base to the ends of your lab support rods and screw into fume hood walls with #10 screw. Screws Not Included.
  • We used two 38″ and three 36″ aluminum rods for our 4′ fume hood kits.

NOTE: You can use as many base plates as you deem necessary.

4′ Kit Includes:

(7) L8A-1 Bases

6′ Kit Includes:

(9) L8A-1 Bases

8′ Kit Includes:

(11) L8A-1 Bases

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